Velocity Girl – “Audrey’s Eyes”

Velocity Girl – “Audrey’s Eyes”

I don’t really buy into including Velocity Girl in the ’90s American shoegaze scene like, say, Lilys or Drop Nineteens. Partly because I like VG much more than those other acts , and also because they pivoted out of their ‘gazey phase pretty quickly in favour of delicious power-pop on their last two records – incidentally, my favourites of their releases.

But their 1993 debut Copacetic definitely showcased their love of distortion, reverb, and drone. It couldn’t, however, hide their innate pop sensibilities and tunes like this single struck a perfect balance between noise and melody. And god, could this video – wonderfully remastered in 4k – BE any more ’90s?

Update: the fan-remastered version has been taken down, and an offical one with the new audio from the forthcoming UltraCopacetic remix/remaster/reissue is now up!

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