Ladytron – “Playgirl”

In honour of Ladytron’s piecemeal tour in support of last year’s Time’s Arrow finally making it to Toronto tonight, here’s a look at their breakout single from 2001 debut 604 – if by “breakout”, I mea the first sone of theirs I heard and not any kind of actual chart/commercial success. “Playgirl” appeared as the […]

Velocity Girl / UltraCopacetic

I do like it when my personal Instagram, wherein I share pics from my ever=aging concert photo archives, intersects with this blog because it usually means I can save myself some writing on one end or the other. Case in point – today’s release of Velocity Girl’s UltraCopacetic, which revisits and rejuvenates their 1993 debut […]

The Cure / Acoustic Hits

The Cure have no shortage of greatest hits compilations, but 2001’s Greatest Hits was probably the most comprehensive, what with the band not really having anything you could call a hit after it came out – none of Bloodflowers, The Cure, or 4:13 Dream really tore up the charts. First pressings of Greatest Hits came […]