If you thought that the couple of new singles Montreal’s Men I Trust rolled out over the past year were going to be a preview of their next album, well that’s not an unreasonable assumption as that’s how these things usually work. But Men I Trust don’t really do things the usual way, so neither “Lucky Sue”, which was released last October, nor “Tides”, unveiled in February, appear on their next long-player Untourable Album, which was officially released last night via a YouTube stream.
So as everyone will soon be going agog for their new record, let’s take a moment to remember these two lovely bits of phase-shifted, envelope-filtered dreaminess by way of their respective videos. And as for the new record, it’s available to stream or download at name-your-price on Bandcamp right now and physical copies will be along perhaps as early as next week. And of course, there’s their repeatedly-rescheduled Fall tour… Let’s hope the album title remains ironic and not prescient.