Yesterday, February 13, marked the 27th anniversary of the release of Belly‘s second album King, and this surprises me a little bit. I remember very clearly walking to the HMV at University Plaza during my freshman year at Waterloo and buying my copy on CD the day of release, but I always thought that it was Valentine’s Day. Maybe it was all the hearts in the album artwork.
In any case, the birthday mean that it’s been one of my all-time favourite records for 27 years, so let’s pay it some due. “Now They’ll Sleep” was the second single from the record, and came with a fun video of the band roadie-ing for themselves. I actually remember catching this on MuchMusic a couple times, which is rather a feat because I don’t think I had access to TV of any kind at the time. Anyways.
Whilst on the subject of King, which has thankfully become regarded as equal in quality to Star and not just the record that didn’t do well and broke the band up, here’s an interview with the band from 2016 at Aquarium Drunkard about the difficult experience of making the record:
And last April, Gail Greenwood and Chris Gorman repped the band in revisiting the album at Tim’s Twitter Listening Party:
Belly’s King @ Tim’s Twitter Listening Party