London shoegazers Whitelands released Night-Bound Eyes Are Blind To The Day last week and while expectations were high for their debut full-length, it’s fair to say that they fully delivered save for one complaint – at just eight tracks and 33 minutes, it’s far too short, and that six of the eight track were already released as singles… okay, it was a different version of “Cheer” that came out in 2018, but the point stands. And that’s two complaints, I guess. But given how well the whole record hangs together, I’ll let it pass and as for the short running time, I guess I can just hit repeat. Oh wait, I was already doing that.
While the deary-enhanced “Tell Me About It” was the perfect gateway song, it’s “The Prophet & I”, released back in September, that has established itself as the record’s high point. It takes the cavernous shimmering beauty that permeates the album and infuses it with a rocking swagger that demands attention.
There’s been a surprising and disappointing lack of press around the record for me to regurgitate, but Far Out did sit the band down for a rapid fire pop quiz last month:
Quick-fire Questions: 10 minutes with Whitelands @ Far Out