The Radio Dept. – “Pulling Our Weight”

The Radio Dept. – “Pulling Our Weight”

Every once in a while I’ll wonder what The Radio Dept. are up to, and the answer is usually posting anti-fascism messages on their Instagram – their only active internet presence – and not crafting more beautifully melancholic lo-fi dreampop… and, honestly, it’s hard to fault them for that, all things considered. But that doesn’t mean I can’t rewind some 22 years to when the latter was also still a worthy contribution to the state of the world.

Somehow I’ve gone the past two decades without ever seeing the adorably animated video for “Pulling Our Weight”, so this feels like news to me. The single for was released in February 2003, just ahead of their debut album Lesser Matters which was and is still one of the greatest records of this century. Just about everything the band has put out takes me to a special place of calm, but their earliest stuff really is a safe space; I’m going to go hang out in this rabbit hole for a while.

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