Cocteau Twins – “Evangeline”

Because it amuses me, here’s a song with the same name but otherwise completely unrelated the one posted Monday. “Evangeline” was the first non-4AD release by Cocteau Twins, coming out in September 1993 and previewing Four-Calendar Cafe, their first album for Fontana. It was also a notable record for being the first where Elizabeth Fraser’s […]

Cocteau Twins / Twinlights

I’ve been filling a few longstanding holes in my Cocteau Twins collection, most recently getting the Lullabies To Violaine, Vol. 1 compilation of all their 4AD-era EPs – easy enough, as it’s still in print in CD – but the second volume, which covers their Fontana years but was also released by 4AD, is somewhat […]

Cocteau Twins – “Pearly-Dewdrops’ Drops”

Here’s another instalment in the series I’ll call “Cocteau for Cocteau’s sake”, where I’ll just throw some Cocteau Twins material out there because doing so makes the world a marginally better place. Wikipedia says that the band had two videos before this one, taken from 1984’s The Spangle Maker EP, but I can’t find it […]