My Bloody Valentine’s Isn’t Anything on #TimsTwitterListeningParty

Kevin Shields doesn’t really seem a Twitter kind of guy, but with the Domino re-release of the remastered reissues My Bloody Valentine’s of Loveless and Isn’t Anything rolling out today, he found his AOL password and along with the rest of band all sharing the @mbvofficial account, got online this week to participate in an […]

Slowdive’s Simon Scott on The Moon And The Melodies

Sonic Cathedral turned the UK’s first COVID lockdown into content last year, soliciting quarantine listening selections from dreampop and shoegaze artists for their Isolationism series. Slowdive drummer Simon Scott chose the 1986 collaboration between The Moon and The Melodies between minimalist composer Harold Budd and Cocteau Twins, describing how its soothing blend of ambience and […]