Wire / PF456

I already got into the complexities of Wire’s early 2000s material last month, so let’s just consider this an extended footnote to that piece. But to sum up: after essentially disbanding a second time in 1991 following the release of Manscape and departure of drummer Robert Gotobed – including a short reincarnation as Wir – […]

Sad Lovers & Giants – “Cow Boys”

Peruse any list of “essential post-punk bands” and at some point, probably at least halfway down the list, you’ll probably find an entry for Watford’s Sad Lovers & Giants. Find a list for “most overlooked post-punk bands”, and they’ll probably be near the top. Whatever the reasons for their under-appreciatedness, lack of quality is not […]

Moaning – “Ego”

Sometimes you want something fresh, innovative, and groundbreaking and sometimes you want something that just sticks closely to a tried-and-true playbook but does it well. Los Angeles’ Moaning fit that second category pretty well with their vein of mournfully catchy post-punk. Their second album, last year’s Uneasy Laughter, leans into synths and sonic refinement more […]