Kinoko Teikoku – “Where the Damage Isn’t Already Done”/”Kokudou Slope”, live in Toronto – May 2014

Kinoko Teikoku – “Where the Damage Isn’t Already Done”/”Kokudou Slope”, live in Toronto – May 2014

Following up from last month’s post bemoaning (again) my missing Kinoko Teikoku’s local shows back in 2014, a reader did me the favour/dagger twist of feeding me a video from the Rivoli show that I hadn’t included with the band nearly creating a musical singularity between 2005 me and 2024 me, covering The Radio Dept’s “Where The Damage Isn’t Already Done” – A-Chan introducing it in English and adorably pronouncing the “t” in “Radio Dept” = before tearing into their own “Kokudou Slope” from Eureka.

I appreciate how frontwoman Chiaki Satō is clearly surprised and delighted the audience knows the band; I’ve listened to some of her post-Kinoko solo work and while there’s good moments, it’s all quite MOR pop. Stuff like this reaffirms her indie cred. As if it matters. It does not. But I still appreciate it.

Full credit to Rob Perry & Paul Meyers for recording and editing the video so long, long, long ago.

  1. Given how many fans of shoegaze and Kinoko Teikoku there are worldwide I’m surprised this blog hasn’t blown up already.
    Great posts dropping knowledge on pivotal bands with rare footage of live performances.
    I’ll try my best to spread the word!

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