Emma Anderson of Lush on The Return Of The Durutti Column
Emma Anderson of Lush and Sing Sing pens an essay for Sonic Cathedral on discovering The Return Of The Durutti Column, the majestic debut album from Vini Reilly and company.
expect delay
Emma Anderson of Lush and Sing Sing pens an essay for Sonic Cathedral on discovering The Return Of The Durutti Column, the majestic debut album from Vini Reilly and company.
From the March 2005 issue of Sound On Sound – producer Stephen Hague gets heavy into the nuts and bolts of recording of New Order’s 2005 single, “True Faith”. CLASSIC TRACKS: New Order ‘True Faith’ @ Sound On Sound
Started by Charlatans frontman Tim Burgess at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, #TimsTwitterListeningParty has been a balm for these times, inviting artists and fans to participate in a real-time commentary via Twitter as they listen to a given record start to finish. And thankfully, they’re all archived. Here’s Andy Bell and Loz Colbert of […]
Choux are a Canadian-American duo comprised of Montreal’s Lizzie Carolan and Minneapolis’ Jordan Gatesmith. The title track of their 2020 debut mini-album cops some ridiculous Elizabeth Fraser vibes and while the rest doesn’t go so straight Cocteaus, it’s beautiful dream-pop, front to back.
I was very excited when Pitchfork released this video some five years ago, but assumed it was a short “explainer”-type video and didn’t bother watching it after bookmarking. Turns out it’s almost an hour-long, slickly-produced proper documentary of maybe my favourite all-time album*. So that was an unexpected treat. * for right now, anyways
A history of the namesake of this site from the folks who made it. So chosen because of its ubiquity on many of my favourite recordings and its general overall coolness. The Roland RE-201 Space Echo Story @ roland.co.uk
MAGNET looks at the making of Wire’s seminal debut album, an album I bought maybe 20 years ago because I was told I needed to own it, but probably didn’t listen to closely/properly until very recently.
Hello, is this thing on? Yes? Okay. So this is a blog. I’ve decided to blog again. Those who’ve continued to follow me on the socials might argue I never really stopped – and that’s a fair point – but may as well make it official. When I took down the chromewaves shingle, I was […]