Baby Formula / Baby Formula

Another one from the depths of obscurity, but this one doesn’t have the same backstory of discovery that Ozean did… in fact there’s no backstory at all, which makes it more compelling/frustrating. About all that’s known about Baby Formula is on their Bandcamp page, and that they’re from Beijing, China and released their debut self-titled […]


If you’re the sort to have gone on expeditions for new music of the shoegaze/dreampop variety beyond the usual suspects over the past, oh, quarter century or so, you’ve probably heard the name Ozean, probably spoken of in hushed tones (or whatever the equivalent of hushed tones on Usenet boards was). An outfit from the […]

The Cure – “A Forest”

A little retroactive housekeeping today, the day I finally cross The Cure off my live bucket list. I’ve done a couple posts focusing on their Seventeen Seconds classic “A Forest”, but both have some notable content omissions I’m rectifying now. One of my earliest posts was a live clip from 1981 of the band playing […]